Friday, March 9, 2007

Lebanon's education system

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that the education system in lebanon is a piece of crap.
I cant remember when these kids last had a full week of school. They have holidays for everything around here. They had a holiday for valentines day. When was the last time a 5yr old cared about valentines day?
The lebanese say what a good education system they have but I would like to know how they got so smart if they never went to school! they have another day off today for 'teachers day' and would you believe it the teachers wrote in my children's diary 'friday there will be no school because of teachers day, please do not bring presents for the teachers'.
Presents? You think I would give you a present when you dont work a full week? How special do you think you are? I work 7 days a week, where's my present? Yeah thats what I thought. When you teachers learn how to work then come and talk to me.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest guys!!!!


Missy said...

Aw fluffy!

I'll send you a present. What do you want? Alcohol? You can never have enough.

laura said...

thanks for the offer but there is PLENTY of alcohol forget I live a two minute stumble from my pub where I am every second night