Thursday, March 8, 2007

Hey ya

so i went out again last night with some british friends Iive made and they're pretty awesome people i mean i really didn't excpet to make friends while i was over here but yes lebanon is exceeding my expectations.

Yeah so i went to my pub again and it was a fairly quiet night as far as quiet goes. A couple of beers and then some tequila shots. I'll be the first to admit i'm a bit of a cheap drunk a couple of shots and i get pretty messy as if you didn't get that idea from my first post but anyway. We have this truly great bar where the bar staff and the owner love us and he gives us free beers and lets us play with his decs and things so they are really great people. So we got a bit drunk and had a bit of a dance. It really is a pub there is no room to dance so we sort of dance inbetween the tables and things.

So this is one of the gang, steve, and me. There is a big group of them about 8 or 10 and we were all going to head to beirut this weekend for some shopping and check out the clubs and pubs but they got in trouble at work and they're on contracts so they got in a bit of trouble but a good, fun bunch of guys anyway.

Yeah so now i'm going to beirut with just jayne, my british friend and ary one of my work mates. So we'll check out beirut and i'll take my credit card as they have all the best and most expensive eruopean shops here so i can max it out.

And there's jayne, good old jayne.
Actually jayne is really really good. I left a part out of my first post and that was that when i woke up the next day after my swim and romp all my clothes were wet and as it was a boy i slept with all his clothes were too big so jayne being the nicest person in the whole world and living not to far from his house brought me some clothes so i could get home. Love you jayne.

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